EU wants to slash emissions by 2020

New vehicles in the European Union will have to produce one-third less carbon dioxide within eight years, under proposed new …

New vehicles in the European Union will have to produce one-third less carbon dioxide within eight years, under proposed new rules set out yesterday in Brussels. By 2020, the average emissions from new cars will have to be no more than 95g of carbon dioxide per kilometre driven, a cut of more than 40g from today’s levels and of 35g/km compared with the 2015 target, if the regulations are accepted.

Connie Hedegaard, climate chief of the European Commission, said it would benefit consumers through fuel cost savings and help the EU’s car industry to compete with overseas manufacturers. “What we are proposing is a fair and balanced regulation,” she said.

The proposals will have to be accepted by member states and the European parliament if they are to come into force. That process could be tricky as car companies are lobbying politicians on the goals.

According to the EU’s estimates, the average driver of a new car in 2020 would save about €340 in the first year on fuel costs and between about €2,900 and €3,800 over the car’s average 13-year lifetime, compared with the 2015 target. – (Guardian service)