Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

18 cert, Konami, PSP (exclusive)

18 cert, Konami, PSP (exclusive)

Snake returns, this time as a mercenary assigned to help a South American country avoid war. Peace Walkerhas everything that people love and hate about Metal Gear Solid: you sneak, grapple and shoot your way through a reasonably compelling narrative; the cut scenes are over-long and admirably stylised; and there's plenty of detail in the missions. Indeed, if you were to watch all the cut scenes and go through both of the training levels, it's a good hour before you really get into the game.

Once it does click in, it can be engaging, with great graphics, solid gameplay, and the gunplay and close-quarter combat work well. Overall, your enjoyment of the game depends on your affection or tolerance of complicated controls and lengthy cut scenes. Try before you buy.