Bride On: The secrets to looking stunning on your wedding day

Lead-up to your wedding should include regular facials, eating clean, working out and plenty of sleep

There is a certain level of panic you feel after you get engaged. Not with the planning or budget, or even the dress. It’s the prepping that really gets you hot under the collar – and not in a good way.

Every bride wants to look stunning on the big day. Picture tears streaming down your partner’s face as you walk, like Aphrodite herself, up the aisle.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret: that glow takes work. The months, weeks and days leading up to your wedding should go something like this: eat, sleep, work out, eat clean, get regular facials, take supplements and repeat.

All brides-to-be have a core focus when it comes to the prep. For some it’s about shifting a few pounds, for others, it’s all about making sure they have a mane that Rapunzel would be proud of.


For me? It’s all about my skin. After an acne-free teenage period, my skin took a turn for the worse through my 20s and I’ve been fighting a losing battle since. So, post-engagement celebrations, I hauled my angst-ridden skin into the a clinic to have a chat with the doctor.

I wanted to get an understanding of what the most popular treatments are for brides-to-be in the lead-up to the day. I was a little surprised to find out that the most popular treatments are botox and lip fillers. I blame the Kardashians for this one, sigh.

I asked the doctor what the top skin advice for brides-to-be are – ones that don’t involve needles preferably.

1. Don't leave it too late to get your skin looked at. Treatments can take time to work, so two-three months at a minimum. Many doctors won't touch your skin if it's a few weeks until the big day.

2. If you've been a lazy with your skincare routine, put a stop to that right now. Find out what products are suitable for your skin, and follow the routine daily. No more leaving your make-up on after a night out.

3. As the saying goes, "you are what you eat". Now is the time to get those greens into you for beautiful, fresh-looking skin. Kale smoothie anyone?

Walking out I felt relieved. I had a 12-week programme to get my skin in tip-top shape and I know I’ll feel at my best walking down the aisle.

If skins not your thing: don’t forget about the following...

Getting fit: Choose an exercise that you love, and if you can't love it, just like it. You don't want to spend a year stressing out with something you hate just for one day. I despise running; instead I'll focus on pilates and yoga. A year of absolute Zen. Namaste.

Hair and make-up: Practise makes perfect. Whether you decide to do it yourself (SO brave) or are going with a professional, make sure you get plenty of trials in beforehand. You want to be Bridechilla the on the morning – it's best to know what to expect.

Teeth: This is definitely a new one to the list of bridal prepping, but just think of all the photos. If you're worried about your teeth, now is the time to get them looked at! I'll have the "Ross Gellar" white please.