Anti-war rally sees thousands on march through Dublin

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Dublin this afternoon to voice their opposition to the US-led military strikes…

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in Dublin this afternoon to voice their opposition to the US-led military strikes against Afghanistan.

The protest, organised by the Irish Anti-War Movement, assembled at 3.00 p.m. at the Garden of Remembrance and proceeded through the city centre led by Michael D Higgins TD, Mr John Gormley TD and Mr Joe Higgins TD.

protest march
Thousands of people marched
through Dublin today
in protest at the
ongoing US-led military
campaign in Afghanistan

More than 2,000 people from a variety of different groups listened to the three TDs address a rally preceding the march.

The Green Party’s John Gormley accused the Irish media of censorship in the lack of coverage of the anti-war movement in Ireland.


Joe Higgins of the Socialist Workers Party criticised what he described as "the obscenity of the world's richest country raining death and destruction" on the world's poortest.

He also called on the Government to withdraw its offer of use of the State's airports to American military forces.

Michael D Higgins of the Labour Party condemned the military strikes by the US against Afghanistan and also was critical of militant fundamentalism and crimes against women in Afghanistan.

Earlier, Rory Hearne, of the Irish Anti-War Movement, organisers of the rally, criticised the Government for failing to use its position on the UN Security Council to oppose the raids on Afghanistan.

He also claimed the US-led had as much to do with maintaining American influence in oil-rich regions as it did with fighting terrorism.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor and cohost of the In the News podcast