A Starbucks coffee shop was forced to close due to number of break-ins, court told

Jason Brady pleaded guilty to burglary of cafe and shop

A Starbucks coffee shop in a north Dublin retail park was forced to close because of the number of break-ins, a court has heard.

Garda Brian Judge told Dublin Circuit Criminal Court that the coffee shop in the Clarehall retail park was unable to renew its insurance after “multiple incidents” of robbery and burglary at the premises.

The business was then forced to shut down last July. A month earlier Jason Brady (34) had used a claw hammer to break into the shop, causing over €1,300 of damage.

Brady, formerly of Moatview Avenue, Priorswood, Dublin pleaded guilty to burglary of the Starbucks cafe and burglary of the adjoining Star Buys discount shop at Clarehall on the night of June 22nd, 2019. He also admitted criminal damage and possession of a claw hammer on the night.


Garda Judge said that Brady was not a suspect for the other raids on the coffee shop.

Brady’s lawyers told the court he had smoked crack cocaine before carrying out the burglary and that he was committing crimes to feed an “out of control” drug habit.

CCTV footage from Starbucks showed him using a crowbar to try to open a staff toilet and later pulling the disabled toilet alarm off the wall.

The court heard Brady had relapsed into heroin and crack cocaine use after his partner died weeks after the birth of their child.

His 59 previous convictions include burglary, robbery and drug dealing. Last December he was jailed for three years for unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition and of drugs.

He was out on bail for these offences when he broke into the shops last June.

Counsel for Brady said his client has been in custody since then and has being engaging in drug counselling and attending Narcotics Anonymous.

Judge Pauline Codd adjourned the case to March 30th next and ordered an updated Probation Services report.

The court head that gardaí ­ responding to a burglar alarm at around 2am went to the premises. Garda Judge said he was entering the Star Buys shop as Brady was leaving and Garda Brady “reacted” and instantly brought the raider to the floor.